Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Make Something Monday #3

I'll be listing her on Etsy as part of a challenge to make something with a flower theme. Since the theme is open to interpretation, I thought the fabric in her romper would qualify her, but I wanted to add a little something extra. So I added the felt flower to her ear for a little ornament. Isn't she sweet? Even my husband conceded that she is pretty cute. I think she needs a name, though. So feel free to suggest names and maybe I can find one to use for the listing!
Posted by Jenny at 6:47 PM 5 comments
Labels: Bit of Whimsy, crafts, fabric, Make Something Monday, sewing
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Another Adorable Dress
Mod Mom Shops is giving away this adorable dress from Wren on Etsy. Just visit her blog now to sign up. Hurry, though, it ends this evening!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Make Something Monday #2

Posted by Jenny at 10:11 PM 13 comments
Labels: crafts, fabric postcard, Make Something Monday, sewing
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sugar Cookie Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Posted by Jenny at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: give-away
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Posted by Jenny at 3:48 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Make Something Monday

Posted by Jenny at 8:12 PM 5 comments
Labels: composition books, Make Something Monday, sewing
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Yay! Loot!

So I just wanted to take a minute to give a big thanks to both Wrestling Addicted Mommy and Rocket USA for offering this prize. You may even want to head over to her blog because she is offering several more giveaways that are still open until midnight tonight. Hope you win something!

Posted by Jenny at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: giveaways
Friday, December 12, 2008
Green eggs and ...
School was on a two hour delay this morning for snow which allowed my daughter time to run up to the chicken coop to check for eggs. This is her new daily dose of excitement here in the country! I was feeding the goats and heard her start yelling for me. It's so slippery up by the chicken coop that I thought she must have fallen and needed help. But no, she was shouting at finding two eggs in the coop and her extreme delight was in finding one of them was green. Now I had hoped for green eggs when we got chickens, but since we got them free from a friend, I figured we would just take what we were given and maybe later pick up some green egg layers. And then when we got brown eggs earlier this week, I figured we would get all brown eggs. I mean all of our hens look just alike and they were all hatched out by the same mother. Go figure, I don't understand it. I'll be posting about this later on BackYard Chickens hoping somebody there will be able to educate me a little on green eggs. (Does Dr. Seuss post there?) So yes, I was excited to see a green egg, but I restrained myself (with effort) from the enthusiastic whoops issuing forth from my oldest offspring.
Where is the green egg now? In Ivy's stomach. That's right, she ate it and declared it delicious and much better than store bought eggs. She immediately wanted to wash it down with goat milk, but the only goat milk we have is in the freezer--leftover from bottle-feeding our babies when we got them. So she didn't get goat milk this morning. Kids...gotta love them.
Now I promise not to turn this into the daily egg chronicles, but it's just so darn exciting to finally get those chickens producing! I do have a story about Green Eggs and Ham if anyone is interested. My mom will just love me for sharing this with everyone.
When I was little, my favorite book was Green Eggs and Ham. I would check it out from the library whenever I could, but it was never available at the book store. Extremely popular and hard to find, I assumed in my small child mind. Years later do I get the whole story. My uncle who was ten years younger than my mom had the same favorite book. She had to read it to him repeatedly until she couldn't stand the book. You see where this is going? Next generation loves said book again, Mom can't stomach another round of Green Eggs and Ham, so it is "sold out" every time we would look for it. I'll leave you to pass your own judgments! Now to redeem herself, she did buy it for my kids, but notice that it wasn't one of the books she kept at her house. She sent it to our house--even for grandkids she couldn't take it! She used the excuse that she finally had bought it for me (in a vain hope that I would quit telling stories about my deprived childhood.)
Well, that was a long post. I've got to get ready now--I'm going to Joann's today! It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it. Green Eggs and Joann's! I succumbed and bought another Bit of Whimsy pattern last night. How could I not? She had an offer that you can have the purchase price of the pattern refunded if you stitch up two bears for a children's charity. So I get to support a nice cause and get a pattern that is adorable.

Posted by Jenny at 9:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: Bit of Whimsy, chickens, eggs, Green Eggs and Ham, Ivy, Joann's
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunny-side up!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Sew adorable!

Posted by Jenny at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Bit of Whimsy, Etsy sellers, patterns, sewing
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wrapping up the week
Well, the week has flown right past again!
Nothing stands out as amazingly brilliant to share. We did manage to hit a couple Black Friday Sales last week. I happen to love Joann's on Black Friday. (Who am I kidding? I love Joann's anytime! Far be it from me to pass up a fabric sale.) I was mildly disappointed that the flannels were up from 99 cents/yard to $1.49/yard. I didn't let that stop me from buying up a ton of cute prints, though. I keep telling myself that someday I am going to have time to sew when the kids are a little older. So I keep buying fabric to stick away. I seriously need to organize in my sewing room because for the moment it is just dumped everywhere! I love this wall art from Etsy:

Here's some pictures of a project we got into this week. I saw some websites about altering composition books and thought we'd give it a go. They turned out really cute if I do say so myself, and they are a funny project to pull out with the kids! Ivy, my ten year old, really got into hers. The first one she did wasn't as detailed, but she worked a lot longer on getting the second like she wanted it. Hers are the two on the right.
And last, but certainly not least when you factor in the additional fussiness, we have another tooth in--bringing Holly's tooth count up to two!

Posted by Jenny at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: composition books, crafts, Etsy sellers, fabric, Holly, Ivy, Joann's, shopping, tooth