Well, hopefully the "high point" (insert huge eye roll) of our week was yesterday. Finn had been coloring with some colored pencils and he showed us one that had the tip broken off. He said something along the lines of "pencil in nose." I asked if he had a pencil in his nose and he said yes. Now he does tend to say yes to more things than he means, so it doesn't always mean yes just because he says it. But we pulled the flashlight out, laid him across Daddy's lap and took a peek up his nose. Sure enough, there is a bright blue pencil lead peeking back out at us! We attempted to use tweezers to extricate said lead with no success and plenty of screaming. I called the doctor's office, they said emergency room. We took him to the local hospital--uggh...such a waste of time. Remind me to bypass completely in future! On the plus side, they saw us very quickly. However, they didn't get the lead and managed to knock it further back. At this point, the doctor says, "I'm going to transfer you to another hospital where they have specialists who are better equipped to deal with this. I'm afraid of doing more damage than good at this point if I continue." We turned down ambulance transportation and drove an hour to the other hospital. (Second time we'd had to go to Charleston that day--earlier dentist appointment for Paul.) That emergency room was much busier and we spent five hours there. Turns out that the lead must have been swallowed or something. Maybe the first doctors efforts that pushed it back further into his sinuses pushed it enough to have it be swallowed. They did a bunch of xrays and couldn't find any sign of it. So we were sent home and told signs to watch for in case it had been inhaled into his lung (which was the other place it could have gone if he hadn't swallowed it.) He slept until nearly 11 this morning, but is up now with no signs of trauma. Made it home about 11pm when all was said and done. Great time had by all! (sarcasm)
Moral of the story: No more colored pencils for Finnie! Seriously, it could have just as easily been nearly anything. One of the ER nurses said they get M&M's in a lot. Why eat it when you can stuff it up your nose?As a followup to my last post, the bread turned out great. I'm going to try half and half next week with the wheat flour. When I'm out of wheat, I think I'll buy some rye flour and give it a try. Ivy's review was that it was pretty good, but she likes the regular better.
And finally, I thought I'd post a picture of Holly's tooth--the new bane of my life. You can just barely see that little white lump down in the front. She has been taking teething much harder than either of the other two did. I can't wait for her to get the whole set in and be done with it! I did think this picture was particularly cute, though.