Wrapping up the week
Well, the week has flown right past again!
Nothing stands out as amazingly brilliant to share. We did manage to hit a couple Black Friday Sales last week. I happen to love Joann's on Black Friday. (Who am I kidding? I love Joann's anytime! Far be it from me to pass up a fabric sale.) I was mildly disappointed that the flannels were up from 99 cents/yard to $1.49/yard. I didn't let that stop me from buying up a ton of cute prints, though. I keep telling myself that someday I am going to have time to sew when the kids are a little older. So I keep buying fabric to stick away. I seriously need to organize in my sewing room because for the moment it is just dumped everywhere! I love this wall art from Etsy:

Here's some pictures of a project we got into this week. I saw some websites about altering composition books and thought we'd give it a go. They turned out really cute if I do say so myself, and they are a funny project to pull out with the kids! Ivy, my ten year old, really got into hers. The first one she did wasn't as detailed, but she worked a lot longer on getting the second like she wanted it. Hers are the two on the right.
And last, but certainly not least when you factor in the additional fussiness, we have another tooth in--bringing Holly's tooth count up to two!

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