Far out...
Do you like to take those little "personality" quizzes? Some of them are pretty silly, but it seems like I just can't pass others up. Have to watch them because they can be time suckers, too. Does it really matter what flavor of ice cream I am? This one looked fun because it was about being a mother (I am!) and chickens (I have!) so I went along for the ride. I think the answers like, letting my kids wear whatever makes them happy even if it's tutus and fireman hats to the grocery store got me the groovy mama label. Go figure. Pretty far out, huh?
So what kind of Mother Hen are you?
So what kind of Mother Hen are you?

I don't have children but I took the test anyway with what I think I would be like if I did. Looks like I would be a groovy mother hen too! :)
Do they have a category for "Kids have CPS on Speed dial?"
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