Clearance Chicks
They are very close in age to the chicks we hatched out, so we put them all in the same tote. Not sure what breed these new ones are, but most likely some kind of sex-link chicken. Meaning the females hatch one color and males another, making it really easy to tell apart chicks upon hatching. I've got one or two that are very light in color and hoping they aren't roosters, but time will tell. As to the older chicks, we are watching them closely for clues to gender since they were purchased as straight run. Barred rock pullets supposedly have a smaller white dot on their heads and darker legs, so we used that to pick them out. But we knew this wasn't 100% accurate and it appears we have a rooster in the bunch. His comb is getting red and his wattles are visible and red. Plus his barring (stripes) are much more apparent than the other three which is apparently a sign of rooster-i
shness. (That's a word, right?) But that's not too bad considering straight run is 50/50 roosters to hens. So it looks like we have 3 hens and 1 rooster on the Barred Rocks. The Rhode Island Reds look like they are probably 2 and 2. But we didn't have any sort of way to tell them apart and we wanted roosters from those.
It's still hard to tell on the banties and the chicks we hatched out. We're thinking the little tiny black banty is a girlie. Up in the air on the others and waiting a bit long for more signs to become obvious. The ones we hatched are about a week to week and a half younger than the original ones we bought. They do tons of growing week to week. So there is huge disparity in sizes.
I will be doing my best to stay away from feed stores with chicks now. We have 29 chicks in our laundry room! The constant chorus of peeping is kind of cute, though. And it's so fun watching them grow. Once they are outside, though, all bets are off again! I'm really itching to give the incubator another run, and I'm thinking guineas.

Heh heh. We have 52....that's lots of peeps.
Maybe you know what our little grey guy is...would you mind coming and taking a look? We have been looking a chick photos in guide books for days and can't figure him out.
Very cute,they look alittle like Buffs Orps.Good score on the $1 chicks;)Mine are hatching now,we have 5 inside so far..
Awwwlll...I miss having chickens. They are cuties.
What a nice blog, i've lived in the countryside in Sweden all my life and now im living together with my australian partner in Sweden. I will follow your blog with happiness. Thank you / Ida
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