Playtime at the Park
Over the weekend, we took a little drive to a goat show. Although the camera was tucked in my pocket the whole time, I completely forgot to take it out and get any goat pictures. So I didn't get any shots of the goats with amazing udders! I think I was so busy ogling the size of their udders that I just got distracted, actually. I knew Bella wasn't milking anything to brag about at around 3 cups a day, but I didn't fully appreciate how lacking she was until I saw these girls with udders so full I'm not sure how they walked without dislocating their hips! So now I know what a real dairy goat looks like. Can't wait for Betty Bob and Bambi to kid this month so I can see how they measure up. This being their first freshening, they won't be at full production potential yet, but I am definitely expecting better things out of them than I'm getting from Bella currently.
I did remember to pull the camera out a little later when we stopped at Cedar Creek State park for lunch and play.

Holly and Finn both had fun sliding with Paul, but neither really got the concept of taking turns.

your children are so beautiful...i just ove fun days like that.
Great photos!
I have seen those udders and they scare me!
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