Giveaway Week at Bit of Whimsy Dolls!
Sarah over at Bit of Whimsy Dolls is hosting a week of giveaways this week! I know I've mentioned (more than once!) before how much I enjoy her patterns. She's started the week with a three pattern giveaway. Although I have a lot of her patterns already, far be it from me to say no to more. She's got a new and very cute kitten pattern, and I think I'd have to also choose the pig pattern and probably Finnegan the fox for my little Finn. Keep checking back through the week to see what else she is giving away--I know I will be!
I don't think I ever posted a picture of the above cutie. She's Millie Monkey made from the Little Peanut pattern, in case you were wondering. Millie's a little something I won from another giveaway on the Bit of Whimsy blog. Sarah made her from a shirt in recognition of Earth Day--wasn't that a cute way to repurpose some clothing that might not have been worn again? Ivy tried to claim her, but she made it safely to my sewing room where she graces a top shelf and smiles down on me whenever I have a chance to work in there.
I don't think I ever posted a picture of the above cutie. She's Millie Monkey made from the Little Peanut pattern, in case you were wondering. Millie's a little something I won from another giveaway on the Bit of Whimsy blog. Sarah made her from a shirt in recognition of Earth Day--wasn't that a cute way to repurpose some clothing that might not have been worn again? Ivy tried to claim her, but she made it safely to my sewing room where she graces a top shelf and smiles down on me whenever I have a chance to work in there.

Hey, It's Patrice. I wanted to let you know I have a different blog, its about frugal tips and recipes. Its called:
Hope to hear from you soon!
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