HBinFive: Pumpkin Pie Brioche

The Pumpkin Pie Brioche recipe has been posted as a bonus recipe on the Big Black Dog blog (where the HBinFive group is originating from). This recipe had caught my eye in the book, and I was going to make it as one of my first recipes anyhow. So this worked out well for me. Unfortunately, Paul doesn't like pumpkin! So he'll have to suffer through this one, but I'm sure he'll be completely on board by the time we get around to the chocolate espresso whole wheat bread.
I was able to get some white wheat flour from Kroger's yesterday when we took a little shopping trip out of town--can't get it locally. I've been wanting to try this white wheat flour since I heard about it, but lack of local availability had hindered me. I was pleased to find Kroger had several brands to choose from and even has their own store label of it. That and some canned pumpkin were the only ingredients I didn't already have on hand.
I was able to get some white wheat flour from Kroger's yesterday when we took a little shopping trip out of town--can't get it locally. I've been wanting to try this white wheat flour since I heard about it, but lack of local availability had hindered me. I was pleased to find Kroger had several brands to choose from and even has their own store label of it. That and some canned pumpkin were the only ingredients I didn't already have on hand.

Before I could get my pumpkin pie brioche groove on, I had to bake the dough that I put in the fridge the other day--Soft whole wheat sandwich bread. The recipe makes enough dough for two loaves and considering the way my family can tear through a loaf of fresh bread, I just put them both in the oven today to free up the space in my fridge so I could get the other dough going. The only problem I'm having so far with the book is that you are supposed to wait until the bread has completely cooled before slicing--so not happening! I like that the wheat bread is made using honey instead of sugar, and it's got a lovely crust for cutting up for sandwiches. And the taste? Delicious! Tested and approved by each member of the quality control team family.
I haven't baked the pumpkin pie brioche dough yet, but I'm really looking forward to trying it. The dough is finishing its rise right now and then I will stick it in the fridge overnight and hopefully make a loaf tomorrow. The recipe is supposed to make two 2lb loaves.
I haven't baked the pumpkin pie brioche dough yet, but I'm really looking forward to trying it. The dough is finishing its rise right now and then I will stick it in the fridge overnight and hopefully make a loaf tomorrow. The recipe is supposed to make two 2lb loaves.

Ps. Don't forget that my one year blogiversary giveaway ends tonight. Enter here if you haven't already!
Edited to add:
I got up before everyone else today to make a loaf of the pumpkin pie brioche. I didn't have any raw sugar like it called for as a topping, so I just used sugar and some pumpkin pie spice and sprinkled it liberally over the top of the bread. It smelled delicious as it was baking. As usual, I couldn't wait for it to cool and had to cut myself off a slice while it was toasty warm and slap some butter on it. Yummy! The sugar and spice topping made a crunchy sweet crust on the top of the bread that is my favorite part. Would anyone miss the top if I just cut it off to eat first? As several others had mentioned the pumpkin flavor not coming through very strongly, I talked Paul into trying it. He said it was good tasting, but I think the thought of eating pumpkin still bothered him because he didn't tuck into it like he would have another loaf of bread.

And because I got a lot of comments about the containers I got from Sam's Club, here's a better picture of the container showing the dough right before it went into the fridge. Don't count on the employees at Sam's to know what you are looking for because my parents asked about them and couldn't get any help. Eventually they located them in the restaurant supplies area. Made by Rubbermaid in three sizes--the six quart size happens to be the medium size. There are markings on the side showing the quarts.
Edited to add:

And because I got a lot of comments about the containers I got from Sam's Club, here's a better picture of the container showing the dough right before it went into the fridge. Don't count on the employees at Sam's to know what you are looking for because my parents asked about them and couldn't get any help. Eventually they located them in the restaurant supplies area. Made by Rubbermaid in three sizes--the six quart size happens to be the medium size. There are markings on the side showing the quarts.

I just got this cookbook myself. I have had the first one for a while...
WOW...you really have a lot of bread going at one time! I have 2 refrigerators and still have problems finding room for my 1 tub!
I'll check in later tomorrow to see if your pictures are up. No hurry!
I can't wait to get both books. I feel like i'm running blind and sorta feeling why way with just the recipe as a guide. Cant wait to see what you think of the pumpkin pie brioche :)
I didn't know Sam's carried 6 qt tubs! I bought my covered containers with measurement marks in the paint department at Ace Hardware. I think they may have only been about $3 each.
OK, Finis just adorable. My "helper" grew up andd rolls her eye's at me when I ask if she wants to help. It's a teen condition I hope she outgrows soon. LOL
Good to know about the buckets. I'm using a huge tupperware bowl that takes to up way to much room.
Good luck with the bread baking!
What an adorable helper!
I haven't bought the cookbook yet but I will probably get the artisan book with it as well. Anything to get that super shipper saving on Amazon! I love that you have so much bread in the oven (err fridge) and I can't wait to see how your pumpkin bread turns out!
I'm right there with you on waiting for the bread to cool down. Sometimes I just can't help myself ;D I'm looking forward to seeing how you enjoyed your bread.
Well, I'm definitely taking a trip to Sam's!! I have to order my book now...so that I can make more than just what's posted, too ;) Sounds good.
Thanks for the tip about the tubs at Sams. That's good to know. I look forward to seeing all the beautiful breads you'll be making.
I know what you mean - I play a ot of "refrigerator chess," myself
OMG - you're son is soooooooooo cute!! I can't wait to have grandchild to bake with!
You went to so much trouble to find the flour and containers. I know we'll have fun working our way though Zoe and Jeff's HBin5.
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