HBinFive: Milk and Honey Raisin Bread

The milk and honey bread turned out very good, and definitely could have been a diet-breaker if I hadn't manage to muster up some self-control. Recently at the bulk foods store, I picked up a couple different kinds of wheat grains to try out with my grain mill. I looked them up online after I bought them to see how people liked to use them, and it turned out one (Prairie Gold) is used by lots of folks as an all-purpose flour. So I used that for my all-purpose flour in the recipe, and my white winter wheat for the whole wheat flour portion. Also, since everyone in my family seems to complain when I put raisins into baked goods, I subbed with a dried berry blend containing blueberries, cranberries and cherries. But in retrospect, I think I have eaten most of this loaf anyhow and I think the raisins would have had a bolder taste in it and wish I would have just gone with them. The blueberries are pretty tasty to get in a slice, though. And it made a delicious French toast that was definitely worth repeating!
I got a new toy that I was able to use for the first time on this bread--an electric knife. It's amazing! I can't recommend it enough if you are thinking of getting one. I noticed they were marked down to $9 when I was doing my grocery shopping, so I slipped one into the cart. Now that I've tried it, I would have paid twice that price for it! I gave it a trial run with my warm, just baked loaf because I had heard that an electric knife will neatly slice warm bread. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical and not sure what to expect. So to really test it out, I cut off a really thin slice of the warm loaf. It sliced beautifully without tearing up the bread in the least. I can't even slice cooled bread that nicely with my old bread knife. I restrained myself from slicing the whole loaf up then and there (barely!) I was able to cut myself very thin slices of this bread which were quite yummy when covered in the apple jelly that I also made last week.

Hi, Jenny,
Your bread looks delicious! I just mixed up 1/2 batch- sure hope mine turns out as well as yours. :)
We loved this bread. I used raisins but doubled the amount. I am so impressed that you have lost 25 lbs. Good for you. That is ot easy to do, especially for us foodies.
This is one of my favorites so far! loved the flavor and the texture and the crumb. Your loaf came out beautifully :)
Thanks for the tip on the electric knife. I have one but have only used it for turkey...duh! I never dreamed that it would be good for bread. I can't wait to try it out...wooohooo
OOOHHH, looks yummy.
The bread looks great. I have an electric knife but have never used it for bread, thanks for the suggestion.
Looks soooooooooooo good!!! I want some of your french toast...........love my electric knife too!!!
There are no raisins going into things in our house, either. I wish our co-op sold dried blueberries. I would probably put them in my granola. Your bread looks great!
Look fabulous! Congrats on your weight loss. I, too, am a Weight Watcher. After several years of not counting points, I finally began counting points again. Somehow, writing things down keeps me in check. I am finally losing the weight--about 10 pounds that was climbing.
Great job! I don't think the electric knife would be good in our house, too hard to resist cutting more bread. But it sounds great.
I love how you experimented with different flours and dried berries.
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