The New Kids on the Block
I think I may have mentioned that we were looking for a milk goat. So we found one this week, but she had her two little babies still with her. So we had to bring all three home. (Aww, shucks…I have to put up with all this cuteness.) The babies are both little bucks, so we won’t be keeping them for too long. (Anybody looking for a Nubian buck?) But they are so adorable right now! I wasn’t prepared for how little they would be. They are only a couple days old, compared to our girls who were two months old when we got them. They fit perfectly right in your arms for little sweet goaty cuddles.

She’s a bit nervous around us, but lets us pet her while she is eating. We’re working on winning her over with little bribes like animal crackers. Ivy thoughtfully picked out all the goat shaped ones because she didn’t think it was appropriate for the goats to be eating them. Although she hasn’t been hand milked before, she will stand still and let you handle her teats while she is eating which is more than our spoiled girls will do. Betty Bob, especially, will just dance all over the place if you try to handle her while she is eating. Here’s what happens when goats get used to you:

Of course, we are hoping for kids from Bambi and Betty Bob in the summer, but now we won’t have to wait for milk. We go through ridiculous amounts of milk here, and it will be nice if we can avoid having to go to the store nearly every day for milk. We can easily use almost a gallon of milk a day here, and Holly isn’t even drinking it yet! Goat milk is supposed to be easier to digest than cow milk, plus we know that it won’t have any extras in it like hormones or antibiotics. We’re also hoping to be able to make some of our own cheese and yogurt. And we have plans to make goat milk soap which is wonderful for the skin. Right now we’ve been buying soap from Hidden Haven on Etsy, and it’s wonderful. Her prices are terrific, and she is very reasonable with shipping charges also. If you decide to check it out, I highly recommend the Chocolate Mint soap. I have to warn you, though, it’s so yummy smelling you will want to eat it!
So, if you’ll excuse me now, I’m off to check on my babies!

Love your new kids and momma goat! Thank you so much for mentioning my soaps and soooo glad you like them. You will love making soap, cheese, ice cream with your goats milk! I have a great goat milk fudge recipe too
Aaww...They are just smothered in cuteness! I wouldn't be able to put them down! I hope the milking goes well!! =)
Wow how exciting for you. I amgetting my 2 kids in 3 weeks. I might have to take note from your blog. Cute kids! Human and goats.
omg, the goat and baby goat are too cute! So how did the milking go? I wish you lots of success and a happy Sunday!
What a pretty goat and some adorable cute kids she has too! Congrats on the new goats!
I also wanted to stop by and say thank you for your helpful comments on my chicken post! I think we are about to a final list!
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