We've got eggs in the incubator now. They've actually been in about a week and a half. Which means we have about another week and a half to see how many chicks we get. I'm cautiously optimistic about our results. I put a dozen eggs in for a starter batch, and I only put green eggs in because I think they are prettiest! We started with 10 chicks last summer. So I think a dozen will do fine if we get a good hatch rate. We'll use roosters for the freezer and keep hens for eggs or sale. Paul is going to build a smaller chicken run for these so the big chickens won't pick on them and we can raise them up separately. He's also got to get some kind of brooder setup built this week. The last batch I raised in the laundry room in a couple big cardboard boxes scooted together, but it was summer and really warm. They were a couple days old when we got them, and we got away without keeping a light over them. This time with them being just hatched and the weather cooler, I think we need to get a light in there for them. We've still got one more rooster than we need around here, but we just haven't taken the time to send him to freezer camp.
And I keep trying to figure out if our goats are getting rounder, but unfortunately, they are quite round to start with! As long as breedings took for the goats, we are looking at some time close to the end of June for kids. I'm considering whether we will keep Bella once the others kid out. I'm not getting huge amounts of milk from her, but she's been good about letting me milk her. I usually get between 2.5-3 cups per morning. Since the baby is on her during the day time, I don't milk at night. And she really doesn't seem to be warming up to me any. She only comes willingly at feeding time. We also don't know any history on her. Even though she is a dairy breed and supposed to be registered, some goats are bred more for show lines and not milk lines. We don't know anything about her background and breeding. If you buy goats from a breeder who does dairy goats for milk, they should have records of milk production and be breeding their line to improve production. Betty Bob and Bambi were both from a breeder who has plans to try to get her dairy approved to sell milk. She also shows her goats and keeps careful records of how much milk they produce. So I'm hoping that Betty Bob and Bambi will be good milk producers, and if they are, I am leaning towards selling Bella. I'm going to keep milking her until then, though. Without the baby on her, I figure she should produce about a quart or a little more a day. That's not enough for our family, but might work well for other people's situation, and somebody might appreciate being able to buy a goat in milk already. Nothing is set, obviously, but those are some things I'm mulling over.

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