A Friendly Competition
Paul has had an interest in making his own wine for a while. He's read several books on the subject and talked to others who have accomplished this task-including his father. This year from our income tax return, we each got a bit of spending money to do whatever with. He used some of his to purchase a wine making kit and over various wine making supplies. While he was waiting for his kit to arrive, I found instructions for making homemade wine at The Homesteading Housewife. It looked so simple and unfussy, I read him the post. He didn't want to try it since he has all his fancy-schmancy wine doo-dads to use making his brew. But I decided it sounded simple enough for me to give it a go. So we agreed that we would each make our gallon of wine and then decide which was better. Of course he thinks his will be. I'm not sure, but I like how Dana describes the her wine. I think her tastes sound like ours. Paul and I both like cheapinexpensive, sort of sweet, definitely not dry, wines. We agreed for the most accurate comparison to use the same sort of fruit for both wines. So he's in town now buying raspberries and sugar. I need to get a big container to hold my wine makings in, but I saw some at Walmart that would work, and tomorrow I am going to Target, so I'll compare prices and get one to get the stuff going this weekend. I'll keep you posted on our wine making process!

OOOh, I love competitions. Please let us know whose recipe ends up winning.
Sounds like a fun friendly competition between spouses. Let us know how it turns out. I'll be rooting for you. :)
oooh, good luck! Sounds like it will be fun!
What a cute game between spouses. Very romantic. Have fun drinking the wine too.
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