Finn is a Jr. Apron God!
This morning I had a comment from Julia to let me know that Finn was being featured today over at The Apron Goddesses. She features a different apron giveaway every week. Be sure to hop over there and check him out. He's so funny in his little apron. I made bread yesterday and just wanted to get it done with quickly and let me say, he was not impressed that I wouldn't let him help. Since this episode featured today, he has decided he should help whenever I make bread!
And too funny about Huckleberry Finn wearing the dress--hadn't even made the connection, but it's true! I love those books and considered calling Holly "Sawyer" if she had been a boy, but thought it wouldn't go great with our last name that also ends in "-er". We have one friend who calls him Huckleberry all the time.

So cute! LOL.Im hoping since I had 2 girls and they are in their early tweenties now they have boys,lol or at least one of them.
Awww, adorable.
The publicist tried to put an apron on me but I would not stand for it. I am not a model goat I am a spokesgoat!
Glad to do the post! He is cute and a helper too. You have to love that!
Jenny, I've been reading your blog and you and your husband should be so proud on the steps you have taken to raise your kids. So cute in the apron.
I'll be back.
Keep Stitchen'
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